A TeraBit, often abbreviated as "Tb" or "TBit", is a decimal unit for measuring digital data. One TeraBit corresponds to 10¹² or exactly 1,000,000,000,000 bits. This puts it one step above the GigaBit (Gb) and one step below the PetaBit (Pb).




Table - Data volumes

File size Decimal Binary
1 Byte 8 Bit
1 KiloByte (KB) 1.000 Byte (B) 8.000 Bit
1 MegaByte (MB) 1.000 KiloByte (KB) 1.024 KibiByte (KiB)
1 GigaByte (GB) 1.000 MegaByte (MB) 1.024 MebiByte (MiB)
1 TeraByte (TB) 1.000 GigaByte (GB) 1.024 GibiByte (GiB)
1 PetaByte (PB) 1.000 TeraByte (TB) 1.024 TebiByte (TiB)
1 ExaByte (EB) 1.000 PetaByte (PB) 1.024 PebiByte (PiB)
1 ZettaByte (ZB) 1.000 ExaByte (EB) 1.024 ExbiByte (EiB)
1 YottaByte (YB) 1.000 ZettaByte (ZB) 1.024 ZebiByte (ZiB)

All information is without guarantee

In the digital age in which we find ourselves today, huge amounts of data are no longer a rarity. The TeraBit has become a common term to quantify such huge amounts of data, whether it is being transferred over networks or stored on modern data carriers.

Conversion to other file sizes

To understand the size of a TeraBit in the context of other common digital storage units:

  • Bit

    • 1 TeraBit (TBit) = 1,000,000,000,000 bits
  • Byte

    • Since 1 byte = 8 bits:
    • 1 Tb = 1,000,000,000,000 bits / 8 = 125,000,000,000 bytes
  • Kilobit (Kb)

    • 1 Tb = 1,000,000,000 kilobits
  • Megabit (Mb)

    • 1 Tb = 1,000,000 megabits
  • Gigabit (Gb)

    • 1 Tb = 1,000 gigabits

It is important to distinguish between "TeraBit" and "TebiBit". Despite their similar timbre, they represent different amounts of data: The TeraBit is based on the decimal system (powers of 10), while the TebiBit follows the binary system (powers of 2). In the field of data transmission and storage, it is essential to use these two terms correctly to ensure accuracy and clarity

Amount of data

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