A cubic decimeter(dm³) is a unit of measurement for the volume of a room or hollow space. This unit is used to specify the volume of a body or space. One cubic decimeter corresponds to 0.001 cubic meters. Conversely, this means that one cubic meter is exactly 1,000 dm³.




Table - in

(dm3) (m3)
1 dm3 0,001 m3
10 dm3 0,010 m3
25 dm3 0,025 m3
50 dm3 0,05 m3
100 dm3 0,1 m3

Table - in

(m3) (dm3)
1 m3 1.000 dm3
5 m3 5.000 dm3
25 m3 25.000 dm3
50 m3 50.000 dm3
100 m3 100.000 dm3

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Converting cubic decimeters (dm³) to cubic meters (m³) is a fairly simple process, as both units of measurement are based on the metric system.

A cubic meter is defined as the space occupied by a cube with edge lengths of one meter each. Similarly, a cubic decimetre is the space occupied by a cube with edge lengths of one decimetre (or ten centimetres).

Since one meter consists of ten decimeters, one cubic meter (1m x 1m x 1m = 1m³) contains 1000 cubic decimeters (10dm x 10dm x 10dm = 1000dm³). Therefore, 1 cubic meter corresponds to 1000 cubic decimeters.

To convert cubic decimeters to cubic meters, simply divide the number of cubic decimeters by 1000. For example, 5000 cubic decimeters equals 5 cubic meters because 5000 divided by 1000 equals 5.

Conversely, to convert cubic meters to cubic decimeters, multiply the number of cubic meters by 1000. For example, 3 cubic meters equals 3000 cubic decimeters because 3 times 1000 equals 3000.


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