A cubic decimeter(dm³) is a measure of volume that is often used to describe liquids or gases. One dm³ corresponds to 0.001 m³. One cubic decimeter corresponds to the volume of a cube with an edge length of one decimeter.




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There are many other units of volume and weight into which a cubic decimeter can be converted. Some of these conversions are presented below.

Cubic decimeters to cubic meters

A cubic meter (m³) is the SI unit for volume. To convert cubic decimetres to cubic meters, the following conversion factor is used: 1 m³ = 1,000 dm³

Example: 5 dm³ = 0.005 m³

Cubic decimeters to liters

One cubic decimeter corresponds exactly to one liter. The conversion is therefore very simple: 1 dm³ = 1 l

Example: 10 dm³ = 10 l

Cubic decimeters to millilitres

One liter corresponds to 1000 milliliters. Since a cubic decimeter is also a liter, the following applies: 1 dm³ = 1,000 ml

Example: 2 dm³ = 2000 ml

Cubic decimeters in cubic centimeters

One cubic decimeter corresponds to 1000 cubic centimetres: 1 dm³ = 1,000 cm³

Example: 4 dm³ = 4000 cm³

Converting cubic decimeters to weight

The conversion from volume to weight is not possible directly, as it depends on the density of the respective substance. However, if you know the density of a substance, you can convert the volume into weight.

Example for water: The density of water is approximately 1 g / cm³ or 1000 kg / m³. Therefore: 1 dm³ of water = 1 kg


The conversion from cubic decimeters to other units of volume and weight is often simple and direct. However, when converting to weight, the density of the respective substance must always be taken into account. It is important to know these differences in order to carry out measurements correctly and interpret results correctly.


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