Cubic millimetres (mm³) and cubic centimetres (cm³) are units of measurement for the volume or hollow volume. These units are used to specify the volume of a body or space. One cubic millimeter corresponds to 0.001 cubic centimeters. Conversely, this means that one cubic centimeter is exactly 1,000 mm³.




Table - in

(mm3) (cm3)
1 mm3 0,001 cm3
10 mm3 0,01 cm3
25 mm3 0,025 cm3
50 mm3 0,05 cm3
100 mm3 0,1 cm3

Table - in

(cm3) (mm3)
1 cm3 1.000 mm3
5 cm3 5.000 mm3
25 cm3 25.000 mm3
50 cm3 50.000 mm3
100 cm3 100.000 mm3

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Converting cubic millimeters (mm³) to cubic centimeters (cm³) is a fairly simple process, as both units are used in the metric system. These units are often used in science, especially in physics and chemicals, to measure volume.

One cubic centimeter is exactly 1000 cubic millimeters. This means that to convert cubic millimeters to cubic centimeters, you must divide the number of cubic millimeters by 1000.

Formula: V(cm³) = V(mm³) / 1000

For example, if you have a volume of 5000 cubic millimeters, divide this number by 1000 to get the volume in cubic centimeters. In this case, the result is 5 cubic centimeters.

It is important to note that although cubic millimeters and cubic centimeters are both units of volume, they are used for different orders of magnitude. Cubic millimeters are more commonly used for very small volumes, while cubic centimeters are used for larger volumes.


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