A hectoliter (hl for short) is a unit of measurement of the volume of liquids and is one of the liter measures. 1 hl is 100 liters. Therefore, 1 liter is converted to 0.01 hectoliters and thus corresponds to one hundredth of a hectoliter.




Table - Liter in Hectoliter

Liter (l) Hectoliter (hl)
1 l 0,01 hl
10 l 0,10 hl
25 l 0,25 hl
50 l 0,50 hl
100 l 1,00 hl

Table - Hectoliter in Liter

Hectoliter (hl) Liter (l)
1 hl 100,00 l
5 hl 500,00 l
10 hl 1.000,00 l
200 hl 20.000,00 l
500 hl 50.000,00 l

All information is without guarantee

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  • Select what you want to convert.
  • Enter the number of hectoliters or liters.
  • Click on

The conversion from hectoliters (hl) to liters (l) is quite simple and straightforward, as both units are part of the metric system. One hectoliter is equal to 100 liters. This means that if you want to convert a quantity from hectoliters to liters, you simply have to multiply the number of hectoliters by 100.

For example, 1 hl corresponds to exactly 100 liters. If you have 5 hectoliters, then you have 5 * 100 = 500 liters. If you have 10 hl, it would be 10 * 100 = 1000 l, and so on.

On the other hand, to convert liters to hectoliters, you would divide the number of liters by 100. For example, 500 liters would equal 500 / 100 = 5 hectoliters.

This conversion is particularly useful in agriculture and wine production, where large quantities of liquid often need to be measured and converted.


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